Sharron Cuthbertson


(posted on 12 Mar 2017)


This Full Moon in Virgo offers a sacred opening to focus on our soul work with intention.
We are all here to express & experience our own individual path yet we share in the
global consciousness that creates the “realities” we experience as a whole.

As part of my path, I am guided to share as best I can a message that has repeatedly
presented itself to me over the past few weeks. As we are awakening to the understanding
of who we really are, embodying it requires us to free ourselves from the matrix that
conditions the mind into fear causing worry, saddness, unstability, dis ease, all limiting
thought patterns that repeat cyclically over and over in the mind. Being aware of this
happening as a conscious observer as it is happening starts to break the patterns. We have
a choice to release ourselves from the false realities being presented to control us.

Empowerment and freedom comes from the deep understanding of who we really are...
spiritual, formless, eternal beings expressing ourselves in time as human form. When we
truly embody this realization we can release ourselves from conditioning and fears, opening
ourselves to a field of great potential and unlimited possibilites that create “new realities”.
This realization is our sacred path to join us in creating the world we want, free of the old
belief systems.

My colouring meditation for this full moon is about our connection of heart, mind, body,
spirit & our relationship to the earth and the higher realms. I am reminded to consciously
allow the heart to guide the mind. Let go and trust the truth of who we are, of who I really
am and express myself freely. Focus choice and action from all aspects of love and conscious
intention. I invite you to write your intentions, dreams and passions onto the page and
express yourself freely!

In joy and honour of your sacred path and gifts to the world, I send you love and blessings.
I would appreciate your likes, comments, shares of my facebook fanpage Art of Sha.
It helps bring more eyes to my sacred work. Thank you!