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Copyright Sharron Cuthbertson 2017 All Rights Reserved
An Amazing 11:11:11:11:11 Portal!
*Full Moon in Gemini at 11 degrees
*Sun in Sagittarius at 11 degrees
*Mercury (ruler of Gemini) goes retrograde at 29 degrees Sagittarius
- 29 is a critical degree which enhances the influence
- 29 degrees adds to the number 11
*Neptune is at 11 degrees in exact square to the Sun and Moon at 11 degrees opposite each other
*Jupiter (ruler of the Sun) is at 11 degrees trine to Neptune
WOW! All happening today; in the last month of the year, leading us into 2018 which is an 11 Universal Year!
Number 11 is a very potent spiritual master number. It represents a gateway where instinct & intent can be used to harness personal power. With all the influences of this alignment the focus is on change and flexibility, realization of what resonates with you and what lights you up and makes your heart sing.. Be free to express & create. Shine your light and focus on how you wish to share it while being true to yourself.
This is dynamic time to feel into your confidence, to step forward and to be adventurous....A very spiritual time as well, so do what connects you to source in a soul filled way.
My moon meditation shares a giant Gemini glyph sign with 2 ornamental pillars (Gemini is expressive and fun) which represents the 11 gateway... Notice how the Gemini sign is so reflective of the 11 portal gateway! How brilliant is that!
I combined the sign of Jupiter ( Expansion, Knowledge, Abundance, Gratitude, Good Will representing Our Inherent Gifts) and Neptune (Spirituality, Inspiration, Intuition representing Higher Self) with the archer's hand that pulls the bow and arrow of Sagittarius (Higher Purpose) encased in the portal energy of 11 gateway. All point to a combined symbol of the sun and moon ...floating above the clouds (representing Gemini's air aspect)
Always with intention I create but it is with trust and allowance that I am delightfully surprised how spirit guides my
creative heart into form. In gratitude I joyfully share these moon meditations with you.
In support of my art & moon meditations please like, share & comment on my facebook page Art of Sha.
It is always gratefully appreciated.
Sending much love and blessings,